Friday, April 16, 2010


this is d most chaotic month 4me..have a plan but never stick to it..ada sbb salah sendiri but some due to people decision...kadang2 aku cepat sgt sentap..selalu ambik hati dgn org..try to avoid but can't help it..i just can't deal with annoying people..n this month also received lot of sad happy news from Malaysia..which make me think..why i'm here..what i'm it d ticket 4 happy life...did i spend enough time with my family...i wish when i open my eyes this will end..i can't even explain how guilty i'm to my family..


  1. lor..bunyi mcm serius ni...byk2 kan ktenangan n ksabaran...xde sebvab untuk mnyesal dgn apa y dlalui.ssungguhnya jln itu tlh dbuat utk kite...

  2. takde la andoc..kadang2 mmg stress gak blaja bila dah ada family ni..tapi mengenangkan org lain lagi kritikal akak patut bersyukur ngan apa yg dah akak ada..

  3. tul tu....kuatkan smgt n tekad k..anak2 akan jdkan kite role model nnt..
